About Norðlingaskóli

Norðlingaskóli's working and teaching approaches are based on ideas of an inclusive school and the emphasis areas of Reykjavík's Education Policy, which emphasize co-teaching, individualization, and staff teamwork.


Learning structure

Each study group is managed by a teaching team; homeroom teachers along with a special educator/developmental therapist/social worker who collaborate on educational planning, teaching, and the overall welfare of students in the school. The following grades are taught together: 1st-2nd grade, 3rd-4th grade, 5th-7th grade and 8th-10th grade. In addition, teams of teachers who handle arts and vocational subjects and sports instruction work at the school. We also have recreation workers, catering and cleaning staff teams, as well as management working at the school.

Teikning af tveimur krökkum að lesa bækur.

School development and collaboration

At Norðlingaskóli, we put an emphasis on active school development, strong cooperation between teachers and general staff, along with emphasizing cooperation among students which is considered to foster increased success both academically and socially. The school also places strong emphasis on good cooperation with the parents of students.

School history

For the first six working years, the school was located in movable classrooms, lodges, that were built on the outskirts of the future school site. This movable housing was expanded as the number of students increased. In the fall of 2011, the school began operating in part of the new school building (main building). The school building (main building) of Norðlingaskóli now accommodates 450 primary school students. The options for diverse school activities significantly increased following the completion of the school grounds in January 2013. This provided great opportunities for outdoor activities, outdoor learning, and various styles of teaching such as for physical education. Some of the school's activities take place in Björnslundur, where the school shares facilities with Rauðhóll Preschool.