Education and teaching

Teikning af kennara fyrir framan töfluna í kennslustofu.

Reykjavík City primary schools follow the national curriculum for primary schools, with reference to the Reykjavík City Education Policy. The main objective of the Policy is for all children to grow, develop and feel happy in a democratic society that is based on human rights and respect for the diversity of human life.



The school emphasizes competency-based learning in accordance with the National Curriculum where students complete projects independently, with peers from their grade level, or in mixed-age groups. Teaching methods and practices consider students' age, development, and abilities.

We promote personalized learning by encouraging students to actively shape their education through clear competency objectives and performance standards, ensuring students understand their learning goals.

Our educational approach emphasizes diverse teaching methods and work practices, offering students various ways to demonstrate their competencies.


Lesson plans

Norðlingaskóli lesson plans describe the content and assessment methods, giving teachers, students and parents an overview of the curriculum.
  • View lesson plans (under development)
  • Student assessment


School curriculum

Norðlingaskóli's school curriculum consists of the operational plan and information published on the school's website.

The operational plan presents Norðlingaskóli's vision, strategy and primary educational focus for the coming school term. Lesson plans are part of the school curriculum and are available here (under development).